“What strikes me is that Cypherdog looks like a great solution for:
Solution seems tailored to individuals that don’t have a strong background in cyber security and a low understanding of IT generally speaking, and so I believe Cypherdog is aware that the groups I mentioned above make up their target market. This is a product for a security immature organization which is not capable or familiar with implementing technically complicated and more advanced solutions to encryption, authorization and authentication. This seems to solve problems of authentication and the safe transfer of data between users for very simple, but essential business use-cases.
For SMEs in the verticals I mentioned above, this may be a great solution, since it appears to requires very little IT background to use, and delivers value in areas that non-technical people can understand. I’m not saying this is the best solution form a security perspective, but it is very good from an implementation and end-user’s ease-of-use perspective. The verticals I mentioned can certainly benefit from this as part of a comprehensive security package of other products that will sold to them by a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP) and this seems like it could be neatly integrated into a larger more comprehensive security solution for non-technical end-users like lawyers, doctors, etc.
Regarding customers who must be compliant with GDPR and other data privacy laws, this solution seems to handle many of the Google Drive and Google Suite use-cases. Therefore users who are concerned with where their user’s and customer data are stored will find this a great alternative to those Google products in the case that they do not trust Google to store their data for them.”
Author: Alex Sawsienowicz